Welcome to Jaded Falconer's Battletech Mech Miniatures Gallery.
This website features miniatures of Battletech 'Mechs I have painted. I hope you enjoy browsing through as much as I enjoyed painting them, and as much as I enjoy Battletech.
News and changes:
- (Jan 14, 2025): Happy New Year! Finally updated the site with the December paintings. I will begin painting again soon, as time allows. I am going to be a dad late June, expecting a girl we will call Sofia, and I have a year left inmy MBA. But enough about me, on to the updates. This round, I added six (6) new units. Under the Lyran Commonwealth, i added the 5th Lyran Guards. Under the Draconis Combine, I added the 2nd An Ting legion, the 2nd Legion of Vega, the 2nd Arkab Legion, the 1st Night Stalkers, and the Ryuken-Yon. I added the following individual miniatures aswell: Atlas, Axman, Banshee, Blackjack, Catapult, Charger, Crab, Crusader, Dragon x2, Griffin, Guillotine, Hunchback x2, Jenner x4, Locust, Ostsol, Panther, Phoenix Hawk x3, Rifleman, Sentinel, Thunderbolt x2, Victor, Warhammer x2, Wolfhound, and a Wolverine.
- (Nov 13, 2024): Added a table showing the different miniatrues available from Catalyst Game Labs since 'Battletech: A Game of Armored Combat'. The list is in the "How To" section.
- (Nov 8, 2024): Added 5 units (Capellan Confederation: Death Commandos, Warrior House Ma-Tsu Kai, Warrior House Lu Sann. Free Rasalhague Republic 1st Drakons. St. Ives Compact 1st St. Ives Lancers. Added 20 'Mechs (Shadow Hawk, Phoenix Hawk, Dragon, Panther, Highlander x2, Centurion, Blackjack x2, Cataphract x2, Marauder, Catapult, Raven x2, Vindicator x2, Cyclops, Locust, Archer).
- (Sep 23, 2024): Added the 1st Somerset Strikers unit, 10 'mechs (Axeman x2, Awesome, Bushwacker, Centurion, Hatamoto-chi, Mauler, Stinger LAM, Thresher, Wolfhound), and two Battlearmor units (Infiltrator and Sloth).
- (Sep 19, 2024): organized the "Units" page by faction.
- (Sep 4, 2024): Added 3 units (Free Worlds league: Marik Militia, 2nd Free Worlds Guards, 1st Regulan Hussars, Rolling Thunder Company). Added 12 'Mechs (Archer, Blackjack, Crusader, Flea, Grasshopper, Guillotine, Longbow, Spider, Stalker, Trebuchet, Warhammer, Wraith).
- (Aug 21, 2024): Added "How to - Bases" to the How To section.
- (Aug 19, 2024): Added 3 units (Federated Suns: Dawn Guards, 7th Crucis Lancers, and 1st Davion Guards). Added 14 'Mechs (Awesome, Battlemaster, Catapult, Griffin, Mad Dog, Nova, Phoenix Hawk, Rifleman, Shadow Hawk, Thunderbolt, Warhammer, Wasp, Wolverine x2). Added a dropship (Union).
- (Jul 15, 2024): The site goes live.
- (Jul 08, 2024): The site goes live mostly functioning. It is shared with a few people for feedback before coming back down for further improvements.
- (Jun 25, 2024): I began creating this website, taking heavy influences from Dave fanjoy's website.
- (Jun 24, 2024): I realize how much I like Dave Fanjoy's Mech Miniatures Gallery.
Last updated January 14, 2025