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St. Ives Compact, 1st St. Ives Lancers - The Ascendant Star

This unit represents the 1st St. Ives Lancers from the St. Ives Compact. This is one of the oldest units I know of, having been formed in the 2300's. They paint their equipment in a gray-tinted green and highlight with ivory. This specific scheme was stylized after older versions found on Camospecs and other sources.

  • Blackjack: Battletech: Alpha Strike Box Set CAT35690 (base 3-3)
  • Centurion: BattleTech: Inner Sphere Heavy Lance 35727 (base 45).
  • Cataphract: BattleTech: Inner Sphere Heavy Battle Lance 35733 (Base 92)
  • Highlander: Battletech: Northwind Highlanders Command Lance 35767 (Base 4-16)
  • Status of this unit: Sold on eBay Novemebr 23, 2024.

    St. Ives Compact, 1st St. Ives Lancers
    Striker Lance Highlander Cataphract Centurion Blackjack

    Battletech St. Ives Compact 1st St. Ives Lancers Highlander, Cataphract, Centurion, Blackjack

    Striker Lance Image 1. Blackjack, Centurion, Highlander, Cataphract.

    Battletech St. Ives Compact 1st St. Ives Lancers Highlander, Cataphract, Centurion, Blackjack

    Striker Lance Image 2. Centurion, Highlander, Cataphract, Blackjack.