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Clan Wolf - Beta Galaxy

This unit was made to represent a generic small cluster of Clan Wolf beta Galaxy. The intention was to have most units available for pre-clan invasion to clan invasion, with a few other 'Mechs from Tukkayid and beyond to have a good pool of 'mechs available for most games. It was painted some time in 2017 and improved July of 2019.

Status of this unit: This unit was sold to Mr. < Redacted >.

Clan Wolf - Beta Galaxy - table of organization and equipment
Command Nova Adder Ice Ferret Dire Wolf Timber Wolf Gargoyle
elementals elementals elementals elementals elementals
Assault Binary
Assault Star Gargoyle Timber Wolf Dire Wolf Hellbringer Executioner
Battle Star Gargoyle Mad Dog Timber Wolf War Hawk Summoner
Striker Binary
Striker Star A Kit Fox Mist Lynx Viper Gargoyle Adder
Striker Star B Stormcrow Phantom Pouncer Arctic Cheetah Ice Ferret
Support Binary
Support Star Mad Dog Timber Wolf Adder Ice Ferret Stormcrow
BattleMech Star Conjurer Woodsman Nova Orion IIC Hunchback IIC

Command Nova.

Command Nova - Adder, Ice Ferret, Dire Wolf, Timber Wolf, Gargoyle.

Assault Binary.

Assault Star - Gargoyle, Timber Wolf, Dire Wolf, Hellbringer, Executioner.

Battle Star - Gargoyle, Mad Dog, Timber Wolf, Warhawk, Summoner.

Striker Binary.

Striker Star Alpha - Kit Fox, Mist Lynx, Viper, Gargoyle, Adder.

Striker Star Beta - Stormcrow, Phantom, Pouncer, Arctic Cheetah, Ice Ferret.

Support Binary.

Support Star - Mad Dog, Timber Wolf, Adder, Ice Ferret, Stormcrow.

BattleMech Star - Conjurer, Woodsman, Nova, Orion IIC, Hunchback IIC.