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Capellan Confederation Armeed Forced - Death Commandos

The most fanatical and elite unit of the Capellan Confederation. This unit represents the Death Commandos. The Death Commandos paint their equipment black, and often use green trim. This specific scheme was stylized after older versions found on Camospecs and other sources.

  • Raven: BattleTech: Inner Sphere Urban Lance 35735 (Base 67)
  • Vindicator: BattleTech: Beginner Box, Second Edition CAT35020M (base 3-8A-2)
  • Catapult: BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat Box Set CAT3500D (Base 4).
  • Marauder: BattleTech: Legendary MechWarriors Pack 35740 (Base 27)
  • Status of this unit: Sold on eBay Novemebr 23, 2024.

    Capellan Confederation Armeed Forced - Death Commandos
    Striker Lance Marauder Catapult Raven Vindicator

    Battletech CCAF Death Commandos Catapult, Vindicator, Raven, Marauder

    Striker Lance Image 1. Dragon, Shadow Hawk, Panther, Phoenix Hawk.

    Battletech CCAF Death Commandos Catapult, Vindicator, Raven, Marauder

    Striker Lance Image 2. Panther, Dragon, Shadow Hawk, Phoenix Hawk.