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Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces - Buena Training Battalion

This was a personal project of mine. I accidently painted what is shown as the second company (but I started painting that one) with the white on the left side as opposed to on the right, and came up with a "fix" which was to create a different pattern for every company.

It turned out well in my opinion, even if it does not follow the established paint scheme per camospecs. I painted these around April 2020, before taking a massive painting hiatus until 2023.

This unit represented a congregation of most of my unseen sculpts.

Status of this unit: I traded this unit to a friend in Indianapolis, for an unpainted miniature of everyone seen here. The new owner, Colonel < redtacted > has incorporated this unit into his current ongoing campaign

Buena Training Battalion - table of organization and equipment
Command Lance Cyclops (CP-10-Z) Atlas (AS7-D-DC) Daboku (DCMS-MX90-D) Highlander (HGN-733P)
1st Company - Recon
Medium Battle Lance Centurion (CN9-A) Commando (COM-3A) Wyvern (WVE-6N) Whitworth (WTH-1)
Heavy Battle Lance Thunderbolt (TDR-5SE) Hunchback (HBK-4G) Crusader (CRD-3D) Ostroc (OSR-2C)
Direct Fire Lance Battlemaster (BLR-1S) Hatamoto-Chi (HTM-26T) Warhammer (WHM-6R) Banshee (BNC-3S)
2nd Company - Striker
Recon Lance Valkyrie (VLK-QA) Wasp (WSP-1W) Stinger (STG-3G) Wolfhound (WLF-1A)
Recon Lance Assassin (ASN-21) Hatchetman (HCT-3F) Axman (AXM-1N) Dragon (DRG-1N)
Assault Lance Orion (ON1-V) Zeus (ZEU-6S) Warhammer (WHM-6K) Banshee (BNC-3S)
3rd Company - Battle
Sweep Lance Spider (SDR-5D) Clint (CLNT-2-3T) Firestarter (FS9-A) Cicada (CDA-3C)
Cavalry Lance Wolverine (WVR-6R) Griffin (GRF-1S) Shadow Hawk (SHD-2H) Guillotine (GLT-4L)
Fire Support Lance Thunder Hawk (TDK-7X) Bombardier (BMB-10D) Archer (ARC-2S) Rifleman (3N)

Command Lance - Cyclops (CP-10-Z), Atlas (AS7-D-DC), Daboku (DCMS-MX90-D), Highlander (HGN-733P).

1st Company.

1st Company, Medium Battle Lance - Centurion (CN9-A), Commando (COM-3A), Wyvern (WVE-6N), Whitworth (WTH-1).

1st Company, heavy Battle Lance - Thunderbolt (TDR-5SE), Hunchback (HBK-4G), Crusader (CRD-3D), Ostroc (OSR-2C).

1st Company, Direct Fire Lance - Battlemaster (BLR-1S), Hatamoto-Chi (HTM-26T), Warhammer (WHM-6R), Banshee (BNC-3S).

2nd Company.

2nd Company, Recon Lance - Valkyrie (VLK-QA), Wasp (WSP-1W), Stinger (STG-3G), Wolfhound (WLF-1A).

2nd Company, Recon Lance - Assassin (ASN-21), Hatchetman (HCT-3F), Axman (AXM-1N), Dragon (DRG-1N).

2nd Company, Assault Lance - Orion (ON1-V), Zeus (ZEU-6S), Warhammer (WHM-6K), Banshee (BNC-3S).

3rd Company.

3rd Company, Sweep Lance - Spider (SDR-5D), Clint (CLNT-2-3T), Firestarter (FS9-A), Cicada (CDA-3C).

3rd Company, Cavalry Lance - Wolverine (WVR-6R), Griffin (GRF-1S), Shadow Hawk (SHD-2H), Guillotine (GLT-4L).

3rd Company, Fire Support Lance - Thunder Hawk (TDK-7X), Bombardier (BMB-10D), Archer (ARC-2S), Rifleman (3N).

Al four of the patterns.