2nd Legion of Vega
The 2nd Legion of Vega. The Pillagers, or The Dragon's Raiders depending on what timeline you like the most. The Legions of Vega were commanded by Theodore Kurita at what point, after he had a falling out with his father, Takashi Kurita. The Legions of Vega, also known as The Path of Redemption, is where Takashi Kurita's had ordered soldiers whom were deemed undesirables due to one reason or another, to be sent. Theodore Kurita turned them into a menace for their adversaries by using tactics deemed dishonorable... Which didn't matter because that's how the rest of the DCMS thought of them anyway. Due to this, the Legions got the job done and shined. This gained them respect, proving that the soldiers of the Legions could be redeemed. This is where a turning point occurred, the Legions were no longer where undesirables were sent, but instead, where shamed soldiers could go to redeem themselves.
This lance features a Rifleman (3-4), a Blackjack (a9), a Catapult K2 (4-17), and a Sentinel (68). It was fun seeing this lance take shape. I do think I under used decals though. I may throw some more on them.
Status of this unit: Sold on eBay December of 2024.

DCMS 2nd Legion of Vega | ||||
Fire Support Lance | Sentinel | Rifleman | Catapult | Blackjack |

Fire Support Lance: Catapult, Sentinel, Blackjack, Rifleman.

Fire Support Lance: Catapult, Sentinel, Blackjack, Rifleman.



