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Armed Forced of the federated Suns - 7th Crucis Lancers

This unit was one of the first I painted in 2017 and was repainted august of 2019 because I wanted to give them a refresh. The sculpts in this unit reflect the era when affordable models were primarily from the Phoenix Project, and the elusive and higher-priced unseen sculpts were difficult to justify purchasing. BattleTech has come a long way from those dark times when a friend and I would pool resources to buy used maps on eBay due to the lack of availability from the IP holder.

Status of this unit: As of mid-2024, this unit is now with Mr. < redacted >, a Federated Suns enthusiast. He will make good use of it in his campaigns.

Seventh Crucis Lancers Battalion - table of organization and equipment
Command Lance Orion Atlas Battlemaster Devastator
Alpha Company
1st Lance Phoenix Hawk Vulcan javelin Firestarter
2nd Lance Whitworth Valkyrie Dervish Black Jack
3rd Lance Victor Griffin Wolverine Grasshopper
Bravo Company
1st Lance Stinger Raven Commando Locust
2nd Lance Clint Wolfhound Hatchetman Wolfhound
3rd Lance Hammerhands JagerMech Trebuchet Longbow
Charlie Company
1st Lance Centurion Hunchback Enforcer Centurion
2nd Lance Zeus Thunderbolt Ostroc Cataphract
3rd Lance Warhammer Awesome Hatamoto-Chi Thunder Hawk
Delta Company
Infantry Lance Maxim Maxim Maxim Maxim
Infantry Company Platoon Platoon Platoon Platoon
Recon/Spotter Lance J. Edgar Hover J. Edgar Hover J. Edgar Hover J. Edgar Hover
Hover Tank Lance Condor Condor Drillson Drillson
Artillery Support Mobile Long Tom Mobile Long Tom Mobile Long Tom Mobile Long Tom

Command Lance - Orion, Atlas, Battlemaster, Devastator.

1st Company.

1st Company, 1st Lance - Phoenix Hawk, Vulcan, Javelin, Firestarter.

1st Company, 2nd Lance - Whitworth, Valkyrie, Dervish, Black Jack.

1st Company, 3rd Lance - Victor, Griffin, Wolverine, Grasshopper.

2nd Company.

2nd Company, 1st Lance - Stinger, Raven, Commando, Locust.

2nd Company, 2nd Lance - Clint, Wolfhound, Hatchetman, Wolfhound.

2nd Company, 3rd Lance - Hammerhands, JagerMech, Trebuchet, Longbow.

3rd Company.

3rd Company, 1st Lance - Centurion, Hunchback, Enforcer, Centurion.

3rd Company, 2d Lance - Zeus, Thunderbolt, Ostroc, Cataphract.

3rd Company, 3rd Lance - Warhammer, Awesome, Hatamoto-Chi, Thunder hawk.

4th Company - Infantry Company and Maxim Transport Lance.

4th Company - J. Edgar Hover x4, Condor Hover Tank x2, Drillson Hover Tank x2, Mobile Long Tom Artiller x4.