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Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces - 10th Lyran Guards - Thundering Elephants

This 10th Lyran Guards unit was a comission for a friend in early 2019. It was a very project.

Status of this unit: Continues to be used for an ongoing campaign in Indianapolis.

10th Lyran Guards Battalion - table of organization and equipment
1st Company - Recon and Pursuit.
Recon Lance Locust LCT-1M Mongooser MON-67 Locust LCT-1S Cicada CDA-2B
Pursuit Lance Wasp WSP-1D Valkyrie VLQ-QA Vulcan VT-2T Commando COM-2D
Support Lance Whitworth WTH-1 Black Jack BJ-1 Sentinel STN-3K Panther PNT-9R
2nd Company - Striker
Pursuit Lance Dragon DRG-1N Spider SDR-5V Charger CGR-1A1 Firestarter FS9-H
Striker Lance Shadow Hawk SHD-2H Hunchman HBK-4G Hatchetman HCT-3F Griffin GRF-1N
Battle Lance Guillotine GLT-4L Banshee BNC-3E Flashman FLS-7K Orion ON1-K
3rd Company - Battle
Support Lance Archer ARC-2R Warhammer WHM-6R Thunderbolt TDR-5SS Longbow - LGB0W
Battle Lance Battlemaster BLR-1G Zeus - ZEU-6S Victor VTR-9D Thug THG-10E
Command Lance Awesome AWS-8Q Stalker STK-3F Atlas AS7-D Banshee BNC-3S

Recon Lance - Locust, Mongooser, Locust, Cicada.

Pursuit Company - Wasp, Valkyrie, Vulcan, Commando.

Support Lance - Whitworth, Black Jack, Sentinel, Panther.

Pursuit Company, 2nd Lance - Dragon, Spider, Charger, Firestarter.

Striker Company, 3rd Lance - Shadow Hawk, Hunchman, Hatchetman, Griffin.

Battle Lance - Guillotine, Banshee, Flashman, Orion.

2nd Company, Support Lance - Archer, Warhammer, Thunderbolt, Longbow.

2nd Company, Battle Lance - Battlemaster, Zeus, Victor, Thug.

2nd Company, Command Lance - Awesome, Stalker, Atlas, Banshee.