Hello and Welcome to My "How-To" Section
Here I will post some articles of interest to us wargamers, which have been given to me.
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2024, July 14
Tactical Numbering Schemes
Why number our 'Mechs
This article was provided to me by the author, Alias Curtis LeMay, and posted with his permission.
It originally appeared in the Commando Quarterly in 2005-6
It goes over the importance and history of unit markings, and how to apply them to our force's TO&E.
This can be done for identification reasons, or simply if you would like to bring a more authentic style to your miniatures.
2024, July 14
Painting that killer 'Mech, for begginers
This article was provided to me by the author, Alias Curtis LeMay, and posted with his permission.
It originally appeared in the Solaris Sentinel in 2001
It goes over painting tips discovered by the author, over the years of being in this hobby.
It also details how to paint a German "Ambush" Pattern.