Free Worls League
The data on this page comes from Xotl's D1000 sheet. What it shows is the percentage by 'Mech Chassis per Tonnage class between 3028 and 3057.
Free Worlds League 'Mech chassis across the years
The data on this page comes from Xotl's D1000 sheet. What it shows is the percentage by 'Mech Chassis as it varies between 3028 and 3057, as new chassis are created, and due to the losses of war. They are presented from lowest percentage to highest percentage, from Light to Assault.
Free Worlds League 'Mech Notes
The following 'Mechs would not be seen in front line units.
- UrbanMech
- Blackjack
- Gladiator
- Icarus II
- Scorpion
- Bombardier
- Rifleman
- Banshee*** In less quantity