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3057 Assaults 'Mech Distribution [%]

3057 Assaults 'Mech Faction Distribution [%]


  • MRB: Mercenaries
  • PERIPHERY: Periphery Forces
  • MAF: Magistracy Armed Forces (Magistracy of Canopus)
  • AMC: Alliance Military Corps (Outworlds Alliance)
  • TDF: Taurian Defense Force (Taurian Concordat)
  • CCAF: Capellan Confederation Armed Forces
  • DCMS: Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery
  • AFFS: Armed Forces of the Federated Suns
  • FWLM: Free Worlds League Military
  • LCAF: Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces
  • SIMC: St. Ives Military Command
  • RRA: Royal Rasalhague Army (Free Rasalhaue Republic)

Battlemech alternatives: You will find that the DCMS would use some "Katana" battlemechs in place of Crockett BattleMechs (the Katana uses the same miniature as the Crockett), and the Daboku BattleMech was used in place of the Mauler BattleMech (the Daboku uses the same miniature as the Mauler).