3050 Medium 'Mech Distribution [%]
3050 Medium 'Mech Faction Distribution [%]
- MRB: Mercenaries
- PERIPHERY: Periphery Forces
- MAF: Magistracy Armed Forces (Magistracy of Canopus)
- AMC: Alliance Military Corps (Outworlds Alliance)
- TDF: Taurian Defense Force (Taurian Concordat)
- CCAF: Capellan Confederation Armed Forces
- DCMS: Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery
- AFFS: Armed Forces of the Federated Suns
- FWLM: Free Worlds League Military
- LCAF: Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces
- SIMC: St. Ives Military Command
- RRA: Royal Rasalhague Army (Free Rasalhaue Republic)