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Miniature variants:
  • Resculpt, Iron Wind Metals 20-780 - HSR-200-D.

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Photo Details
Battletech Hussar Clan Wolverine, Minnesota Tribe, SLDF

Sculpt: 20-780 (HSR-200-D), Original Sculpt.

Mfg: Iron Wind Metals.

Paint Scheme: Clan Wolverine in Exile (non-canon paint scheme). It is essentially the traditional SLDF olive drab.

Unit: Part of am SLDF/Clan Wolverine/Minnesota Tribe Battalion I made for myself.

Status: Sold mid 2023.

Battletech Hussar Rhonda Snord's Irregulars

Sculpt: 20-780 (HSR-200-D), Original Sculpt.

Mfg: Iron Wind Metals.

Paint Scheme: Rhonda’s Irregulars (non-canon).

Unit: Part of Rhonda’s Irregulars 3037 Battalion made for myself.

Comment: This mech is painted to represent Adrian MacLeod and her Hussar, featuring a Macleod tartan pattern, and a Northwind Highlander's tartan pattern.

Status: Sold in 2023.

Battletech Hussar Comstar Com Guard

Sculpt: 20-780 (HSR-200-D), Original Sculpt.

Mfg: Iron Wind Metals.

Paint Scheme: ComStar Com Guard.

Unit: Part of a Com Guard Level II and Level III made as a commission.

Status: Delivered mid 2024.